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<strong>Nicolae Forminte</strong>, former head coach of the Romanian Seniors, is now a coach at Deva, for the Junior team “Romanian coach said to a radio station that he returned to Deva with a desire to build a generation of gymnasts able to keep Romania on the Olympic, World and European podium. The technician said that the key to improving current results is improving the physical preparation, area in which the gymnasts have some gaps at the moment. In addition, the coach believes that the uneven bars, event that created the problems athletes in Romania in recent years, is in need to fundamentally restructure”. [<a href="http://www.mesagerulhunedorean.ro/intoarcerea-antrenorului-ratacitor">Link</a>]
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Finally, <strong>Larisa Iordache</strong> was everywhere last week doing TV, radio and newspaper interviews. Here are some summarys from one of the most recent articles:
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“There are many feelings, many experiences, compressed into one minute, or one second. It’s a good feeling to compete at Worlds. But when you know you’ve done something wrong, it is painful, because you know that you could be there on the podium, on the highest level”… “May the best one win, that is my premise, and all I need to do is keep working to get to the most precious medal.”
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“It was hard to Nanning, but we tried to focus each of us, we knew anyway that Mrs. Mariana and Mr. Bellu were close, supported us in every moment we were there and I want to thank them very, very much”.
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“I want to be healthy. I want and hope that in Rio, the story has a happy ending, but there is a some time left and I am taking it one step at a time. Now I’m in the middle of the story, so to speak. It’s a nice way, but with hard work. I think I’ll get through and it’ll be all right for me”. [<a href="http://www.prosport.ro/alte-sporturi/gimnastica/portret-larisa-iordache-liderul-gimnasticii-romanesti-sunt-la-jumatatea-povestii-vreau-sa-cred-ca-sunt-diferita-un-pic-campioana-si-hitul-lui-tudor-chirila-18-ani-13428591">Link</a>]
<a href="http://www.thecouchgymnast.com/2014/10/22/news-interviews-celebrations/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n/" rel="attachment wp-att-1722"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-1722" src="images/2014/10/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n.jpg" alt="1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n" width="500" height="281" srcset="images/2014/10/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n.jpg 960w, images/2014/10/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n-300x168.jpg 300w, images/2014/10/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n-200x112.jpg 200w, images/2014/10/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n-150x84.jpg 150w, images/2014/10/1011247_296944647175937_900443575965045870_n-600x337.jpg 600w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /></a>
So there is more coming up from Romania, but let’s sit back and enjoy while it lasts!
<b>Edited by: Bea Gheorghisor</b>
<strong>Photo Cover: Nadia Boyce</strong>
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